Week 2 Workout

Dear Families:

We are thinking of you all! Here are some fun activities you can do as a family for next week! Send us videos and photos of your activities, challenges, as we keep active during this time.  Miss you all! Stay healthy and safe! GymJam Staff #happyhibernating

Meditation Monday

We want to teach you how to control your breathing and help you relax

Try “take 5 breath” where you inhale for five seconds, and exhale for five seconds through your nose. Use your fingers to count to five as you breathe. Slowing your breath will slow down your mind. Can you feel your heart rise and fall as you breathe? Can you feel the breath enter and leave your nose? Try to do this twice a day.  After you wake up and before you go to bed.  Do together as a family activity, where you can all sit in a circle and have your quiet time together.

Twirl Tuesday

We are going to do a jump full turn 3 second “freeze” challenge. Standing straight find any object to look at on the wall, your room, tv, etc.  you are going to look at the object before you turn and look at it again after you turn.  Arms up by your ears.  Count one, two, three, jump and turn and freeze for 3 seconds.  Meaning you have to land your jump full turn and not move your feet for 3 seconds.  Challenge your parents/siblings who can freeze the longest.  Whomever doesn’t “freeze” after each time has to do one frog jump. Repeat 10 times or more if your having so much fun!!

Hump Day Wednesday

Crab walking while we work on those tummy (core) muscles: Crab walk with a ball, blown up balloon, small pillow, etc under your shirt like a camel hump. The challenge is to crab walk for one minute without touching your booty or losing your ‘hump”.  Make sure you have your tummy pushed up straight as if you are having a tea party on a table. If your booty touches the ground or you lose your hump your one minute starts over. 

Hot Potato Thursday

Use a rolled up sock and lets have fun learning hand/eye coordination.  Start the music and pass the object in a wide circle.  When the music stops, whomever has the sock stands up and throws the sock in the air 5 times and catching it without it hitting the floor. Sit back down and Continue the game.  Challenges for the person who has the sock when the music stops: Throw the sock in the air with eyes open, try standing on right leg, try standing on the left  leg, throw in the air and spin in a circle then catch, try throwing the sock with eyes closed. 

Freaky Friday

Switch places at home with mom and/or dad for an hour.  This would be fun!!

Dress like each my parent/child: Lay out clothes you want your parents to try and put on and same for parents. Ex: socks, hats, jewelry, hair ties/bows, shirts, pants, jackets, shoes, etc. you have 60 seconds to dress like each other.  Winner has the other team do 10 jumping jacks.

Bed making: Have mom/dad or both make your bed, and you make your parent(s) bed you have 30 seconds. Winner has the other team do 10 push ups

walk the plank: mom/dad hold a push up position for 30 seconds while the kids walk next to or hop over mom/dad with kids hands on their parents back.

Help! Lost my keys! Parents, since we misplace our keys, you will hide your keys and kids have to find them. Kid(s) have 2 minutes to find them. If they can’t find them in two minutes kids have 10 sit ups, IF they do find them, parent has 10 sit ups

Wacky Weekend

Lets work on posture. Balance a plastic piece of Tupperware/bowl  on your head for 60 seconds.. stand up nice and tall, squeeze your muscles, head straight. 

Nature walk. Go as a family and Take your pet if you have one. Go for a hike or walk around your neighborhood look for natures gifts.  Take a bag and collect different color shapes of leaves, flowers, rocks, sticks, etc.  When you get home lay out all that you collected.  Categorize each item in their own pile, EX: starting with leaves.  What looks different on each one, what looks the same. repeat with each item you’ve collected.

Design your own leotard.  Paper, crayons, colored pencils, craft jewels, glue any crafts supplies you have at home. have you or mom or dad draw a leotard on a sheet of paper.  Decorate it however you want.  Be creative! Color, glue, draw flowers, animals, butterflies, stars whatever you want. 

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Thank you,

Your GymJam Coaches

Wallers’ GymJam AcademyPhone 661-251-3390Fax 661-251-9968www.gymjamacademy.com